Thursday, July 26, 2007

social interaction the base of learning and knowledge

After reading the this weeks Siemens reading a couple of things really hit home for me as a person and educator. Siemens writes, "To know today means to be connected," (pg. 51). I agree almost 100% with this statement, but there is still a piece of me that struggles with communication through technology. Technology does keep us connected, but I strongly believe that nothing is more beneficial than personal, face to face communication and experience. Don't get me wrong, wiki's and other technological advances continue to enhance and bring forth and new way to communicate and gain knowledge, but we can't forget the importance of learning through social interaction and communication. In my eyes, face to face social interaction is the base of communication and knowledge, while technology is the enhancer.


Anonymous said...

You make a great point. Face to face social interaction is still very important. Though we have all these great technologies, we still need to be able to deal with the people we see and interact with in person each day.

Jeff said...

It's funny you mention this Leah. I communicate via technologies all the time. But yet every summer I can't wait to go to the National Education Computer Conference (NECC) and meet those I communicate and collaborate with all school year face to face. We as humans, I believe, need and want that f2f interaction. We crave it...which is a good thing and is one reason why great teachers will always be needed.

That being said, technology allows us all to communicate when f2f is not possible. This course for example, or a wiki project between students from all parts of the world. Or what about Skyping and tallking to your friends back in Madison for free. Even with a video chat it still doesn't replace the f2f communication, but if that's all you sure beats a slow boat to China. :)

As technology keeps allowing our world to become flatter learning to communicate and collaborate using technology will become even more important to our students. Think about the students you teach...most move every couple of year, how do they stay in contact with friends and family? Or when they grow up what and where will their jobs be? Think of the parents you have, what companies do they work for and how do these new technologies allow them to live in China and work for a company in the U.S.?

There's a reason why China is where it is now in the world economic wise. Think about how these technologies have allowed China to become the worlds #1 producer of products....and the best part get to live in it!

pjforbes said...

Absolutely!! I couldn't agree with you more. You need to have the face to face interaction with students especially in High School. As an adult learner I think it is easier to communicate via internet because hopefully by now I have mastered the face to face social expectations and etiquette. I think we need to teach internet etiquette as well.